How to Get Followers on TikTok: 11 Simple & Proven Tips

How to Get Followers on TikTok: 11 Simple & Proven Tips

Sarah Reyes
by Sarah Reyes

Ever wondered how to be a TikTok superstar? We understand. Every content creator dreams of making noise and going viral on the platform. Why not? You will have many opportunities – become a brand ambassador, social media influencer, and instant celebrity, right? Who doesn’t want that, anyway?

So, today, we got your back! We’ll help you develop a strong TikTok presence, connect with millions of audiences, and potentially earn as a social media influencer. In this guide, I’ll talk about how to get followers on TikTok. Ready? Let’s dive in!

How to Get Followers on TikTok

Gaining momentum and going viral on TikTok overnight is not the goal. What you need is consistent growth and results, right? Nevertheless, you can use the following tips on how to grow your followers on TikTok.

1. Know your audience

Land your content on your target audience’s For You Page. Use this tactic. First, identify your audience. What are their interests? What are their hobbies? How old are they? And so forth.

The TikTok feed of your target audience is where you want your content to display. This group is where the people who want to follow you and watch your content are.

Use your presence on other social media platforms like Instagram (IG Polls) to ask your followers about the content they want to see on TikTok. Don’t forget to inform them about your TikTok account.

You can also get free research from similar creators posting content in your niche. Check their channel and see what kind of content they post on TikTok.  What are the most popular videos? Use those ideas to come up with your own unique twist!

Now, pause for a while and review your content.

While you can post different types of content on TikTok, you’ll still get an idea of what performs well and trends for your followers and TikTok users in general.

Gain TikTok Followers: Tips to Understand Your Audience

Wishing your followers will remember generic content is not the way to go. As said, you must know your audience to tailor content based on their interests.

Now, that’s what you call clever TikTok use. Here are more tips.

Go to TikTok Analytics

Check for trends or patterns, such as your followers’ gender, age, and location. What are their hobbies? Do they like shopping? Do they love travel? Are they yuppies who love to know more about investing and finances? Identify trends to check what they want to see.

Create relatable content

Identify your niche after knowing your audience. Are your followers into travel? Creating a video about your travel adventures will leave more impact than a random dance challenge video.

So before even making a video, ask yourself, “Can my followers relate to it?”

What gets more engagement? Experiment with different types of content. Is it an educational video about a sample itinerary in Paris? Or is it about a day in the life of a traveler on a budget in Paris? Which video gets more engagement (likes, shares, comments)?

NOTE: Monitor your analytics. People’s preferences also change, so be ready to adjust your strategy when that happens.

2. Create follow-worthy videos

Making exciting and engaging videos is another effective way to grow followers on TikTok.

That’s it. Make good content. This is still true no matter how the platform (and the times) have changed. A few ideas of video types are –

  • Inspiring videos that will inspire users to take action (and maybe change for the better).  They can be about saving money, building self-confidence, learning another language, or shopping hacks.

  • Educational and learning videos: Share tips, tricks, tutorials, and interesting facts that users will love to watch (and encourage them to follow you for more).

  • Entertaining videos to make users laugh (and, for a while, forget life stresses) are also great ideas. After all, putting a smile on someone’s face is already an achievement for any content creator.

3. Grow TikTok followers: Join trends.

TikTok defines Trends as the ideas, creative formats, and behaviors that garner attention and influence people's actions on the platform.

Trends are viral moments – golden opportunities to show your talent and creativity. That’s not all! You can reach a wider audience and go viral.

Most important tip: Trends are time-sensitive. Jump in earlier!

In addition, follow popular influencers and creators and discover trending hashtags in your niche. I know. Not all trends align with your interests and brand, so join trends that naturally fit your content. This will maintain your niche or brand's authenticity and values.

4. Introduce content to a new audience: Cross-promote

Contact other creators and collaborate for new video content. This will introduce your content to their audience and increase your reach with just one video.

Use TikTok's stitches and duets feature for fun collaboration videos.

Research and check influencers’ reach and engagement rate and only partner with those who share your target audience and values.

Cross-promotion is also a sound idea. Create a content series or challenge with a creator and promote each other’s upcoming events or even merchandise.

Collaborating with other creators can help you build a community, too!

5. Do a content series

Want to keep your audience coming back for more? Follow this tip on how to get more viewers on TikTok!

Build a sense of continuity with a content series, like storytelling, a great strategy to keep your audience engaged.

A series features a string of interconnected videos with a central theme. Make sure to be consistent - keep the tone, theme, and a regular schedule.

  • Plan. Your content must be engaging! Start with a rough outline containing the overarching theme, the number of videos to include, and the call to action to use.

  • Think of an excellent hook to keep your audience hooked into the next episode (can be a question, a cliffhanger, etc.)

  • Post regularly. Stick to a regular posting schedule (daily, weekly, or bi-weekly), helping build anticipation for the next episode.

6. Use trending sounds

You can use a wide range of music and sounds on TikTok’s library, bu use trending ones that come with trending dances/challenges. Explore the For You Page and discover trending videos accompanied by trending music. You can also find popular tracks via the Discovery tool.


  • You can follow popular TikTok users to monitor what trending sounds and music they’re using.

  • Respect copyright laws. Ensure you have the right to use music that’s externally sourced.

7. Use hashtags

Get Followers on TikTok

Another way how to grow TikTok followers is to use hashtags, improving your discoverability on the social media platform.

Hashtags can help users find your content easily, increasing your chances of gaining new followers and views.

  • Use three to five hashtags (should include trending, niche-specific, and general ones).

  • Don’t forget to use branded hashtags to track user-generated content related to your brand.

  • Check the Creative Center to find potential hashtags for your content.

  • Avoid using the same hashtags for each video.

  • Don’t use irrelevant and spammy hashtags.

  • Monitor trending hashtags and jump in with a related video if it is aligned with your niche.

8. Schedule your videos

Timing is an essential factor in posting videos.

You’ll want the most reach and engagement. Publish your videos at the correct times, which is one of the most effective strategies for gaining TikTok followers.

  • Publish when your target audience is most active on TikTok. However, this can also vary depending on the demographics of your audience.

  • Be consistent to keep your audience engaged.

  • Conduct a split test. Post a video at different times and see which days and times perform better.

  • Review the performance of your past videos, and check when they receive the most engagement.

9. Experiment with different video lengths

Videos recorded on the app can range from 15 seconds to 10 minutes long, while uploaded videos can be up to 60 minutes long.

Review what works for your audience.

Shorter ones are more consumable and ideal for catchy and engaging content. They might be for you if you’re a beginner who wants to capture user attention fast.

Longer videos can give you more space to discuss a topic in more detail. They’re ideal for tutorials and storytelling.

Track your metrics, such as watch time and engagement rates for an idea.

In summary, it's important to tailor the length of your TikTok videos based on your audience’s preference and video type.

10. Use closed captions

Make your content accessible for a wider audience (including the hard-of-hearing and deaf community) with closed captions to increase engagement.

Closed captions can boost your content’s visibility on TikTok by helping increase the time users spend watching your video. Use third-party apps or type the captions. Just make sure they’re synced with your content.

  • Captions must be clear, concise, and SHORT.

  • Ensure your captions are in sync with the action or audio of your video.

  • Make captions readable. Make the text and font easy to read.

11. Share user-generated content (UGC)

Build a loyal and engaged community by posting UGC to your account.  You show users and followers appreciation and a shoutout when you share their content on your account.

Doing this will increase your engagement because you highlight their community. Ask questions, encourage users to share their content with you, and ask opinions.

NOTE: Give credit to the original creator!

Increase TikTok Followers with Puppetry AI Video Maker

Implementing these strategies to get followers on TikTok will take your game to another level. And if you need to create more high-quality content, Puppetry AI videos can be for you. This content creator tool can help make videos faster and cheaper. It can also save you time for its integrated captioning, scriptwriting, animating images, and more features. Try Puppetry AI today!