How to Create Effective Training Videos for Employees [2024]

How to Create Effective Training Videos for Employees [2024]

Kimberly Claire Albarina
by Kimberly Claire Albarina

How to Make Video Training for Employees

There are many other factors that contribute to a business's success. Of course, learning how to train an employee training is definitely one of the reasons and key to growing your company.

It is not an exaggeration to say that effective employee training is crucial for organizational success in today's fast-paced corporate world.

A survey says that companies are 17% more productive when employees receive the training they need and want. These companies even increase their profit by 21% simply because they have employee training videos.

In short, when you provide work training videos, your business is likely destined to succeed.

However, traditional training methods often fall short. This is because our attention spans now dwindle and information overload is on the rise.

Luckily, there are now a lot of training methods to give to your employees, making it unwise to ignore the current trend and innovation.

For instance, the rise of e-learning makes everything convenient for everyone. By everyone, it includes big companies, their employees, and even managers.

As a company, you can now simply create employee training videos about job-related skills you want them to learn and develop.

These workplace training videos can also offer other skills that may improve your employees. This impacts indirectly your business as it contributes to your company's growth.

Quick tip – Make sure these company training videos are convenient for everyone.

They likely will prefer it that way.

89% of employees actually want convenient training—they want it available anywhere, anytime they need it to do their job.

Of course, you should also provide human resources training videos. This will increase their ability to handle their management tasks.

Similarly, you’ll improve your business’s ability to retain and manage your employees.

That’s a win-win situation.

Are you wondering how to train employees effectively?

In this article, you will learn how to make training videos for employees to make them more engaging and effective!

Benefits of Having Training Videos for Employees

Incorporating training videos for the workplace can yield numerous benefits. Here is why you should provide the employee training videos as much as possible!

Enhanced Engagement and Retention

Let's face it – dry, text-heavy training materials can be a snoozefest.

They’re unengaging and uninteresting.

This is why even if they hold valuable content, they are not being maximized because people find them troublesome to read. This impedes learning on the part of your trainees.

You don't want your employees' motivation to fall. Otherwise, it will affect their retention and understanding of the lesson.

Training videos captivate learners by combining audio, visuals, and interactive elements. This helps in making the content more memorable and engaging.

This is the best way to train employees - making the programs interesting!

Research shows that people retain 95% information in training videos comparing it to a mere 10% retention from text-based materials.

That’s literally an 85% difference! It is simply because you turned a text-based material into video-based training.

Having employee training videos is proven to be more effective, as they improve retention and engagement.

What’s more if you add other key factors to make them even more interesting?

There are a lot easy-to-follow best practices in creating training videos you can try when you develop your video training programs.

Cost-Effective and Scalable

Producing video training programs may require an initial investment. However, the long-term cost savings are substantial.

These videos can be reused indefinitely, eliminating the need for repetitive in-person training sessions.

This is why corporate video training programs should be considered part of your business’s assets.

You can reuse them repeatedly to help your employees improve. You don’t need to change them frequently unless you need to update information.

You will likely just need to create short training videos to supplement what you already have.

They’re cost-effective because they’re convenient to implement.

Consistency and Standardization

Ensuring consistent training delivery across multiple locations or teams can be daunting. However, another benefit of using corporate training videos is the guarantee of uniformity.

In other words, you can ensure that every employee receives the same high-quality information.

Consistency among your video training programs is the best way to train an employee.

This consistency streamlines the training process and promotes a cohesive company culture and adherence to best practices.

Suppose your employees receive the same video training programs that would teach them how to do their work correctly and better. In that case, you’re also limiting the chances of having a disorganized, disorderly team.

Training videos sync your employees, making your business thrive with even more productivity.

Accessibility and Flexibility

In today's mobile-driven world, trainees expect training materials to be accessible anytime, anywhere.

Online training videos for managers and employees offer unparalleled flexibility.

These allow employees to learn at their own pace, on their preferred devices, and even during downtime or commutes.

This convenience factor can significantly boost engagement and retention rates.

It will also be an extremely bonus factor if you provide free employee training videos in your company to also encourage motivation for everyone.

5 Types of Training Videos For Employees

Before creation process, it's essential to understand the different types of training videos. Each format serves a unique purpose and caters to specific learning objectives. Knowing the type of video training to provide will be beneficial to improve learning.

After all, there are so many training programs you can offer, such as anti-discrimination training, social media etiquette training, customer service training and even soft skills training.

Here are five popular options commonly seen as free training videos for employees.

1. Presenter-Style Videos

Usually, the best employee training videos are in presenter videos format.

These training video examples feature a presenter addressing the audience directly. It's like you went back to the time you're studying in a traditional classroom setting.

This type of video instruction is typical for e-learning courses or programs where one presenter delivers the content to be taught. This format is ideal for conveying complex concepts or sharing personal experiences.

With the technology right now, it's now easier to create presenter-type training videos for employees. This is because of some of the best AI talking head generators you can use, making these videos easier to create while retaining quality.

2. Animated Videos

Animated training videos for employees bring abstract ideas to life through captivating visuals.

Animation makes everything more engaging and interesting for everyone.

This format simplifies complex topics, making content more digestible and engaging.

Animated explainer videos are best to use if the topic of the training videos for employees is too technical or advanced. Although it will most likely be still digestible on their ends, it wouldn’t hurt if you try to make things easier for them to learn.

Remember: the goal is to improve retention and understanding of your employees.

Read more: AI Puppets for E-Learning

3. Screencast Videos

Screencasts are perfect for software training, product demonstrations, and step-by-step tutorials. By capturing on-screen actions accompanied by narration, they provide a hands-on learning experience.

This helps in enabling trainees to follow along and master new skills effortlessly.

They’re the best video tutorials if you want your employees to master new tools to make their jobs easier, better, and more seamless.

Make sure you couple your screencast training videos with clear explanations. This will help your employees find these training videos more engaging, interesting, and easy to follow.

4. Interactive Videos

Interactive video training programs have clickables, quizzes, and other engaging elements. All of these features encourage active participation from your company trainees.

This format enhances knowledge retention and fosters critical thinking and decision-making skills.

A quick tip: try adding video game simulations to your interactive training videos. Game simulations improve your employees' understanding and retention of the lesson. They are so much effective in increasing your video interactivity.

Research shows that trainees who had game simulation in training videos had higher declarative and personal knowledge than those who only learned through other types of programs.

5. Microlearning Videos

Bite-sized learning is often the most effective approach in the fast-paced corporate world. Microlearning training videos for employees are usually concise. They are also focused on a single learning objective, and typically no longer than three minutes.

These videos deliver quick refreshers, address specific pain points, or reinforce key concepts. They are also great for maintaining trainees’ motivation and interest in learning new concepts or skills.

In fact, microlearning videos improve information retention by 22%.

They are so bite-sized and easily consumable, making the employees feel more productive and engaged to watch them.

After all, watching a 3-minute training video is like the same time you need to brew your coffee for work, isn’t it?

How to Create Training Videos for Employees?

Now that you understand the various types of video learning for employees, it's time to delve into the creation process.

Follow these steps to create effective training videos for your employees.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives and Target Audience

Before you begin, clearly define the learning objectives you aim to achieve with your video courses.

What specific skills, knowledge, or behaviors do you want your employees to acquire?

Understanding your goals will help you choose the appropriate video format. Similarly, it also allows you to tailor the content accordingly.

This significantly helps in creating personalized learning paths for your trainees.

It is important to list down and be specific enough with your training objectives. These objectives are your main guide on what content you will include in the program. They set the directions of your training videos.

Additionally, research your target audience thoroughly. Consider their roles, experience levels, and their learning preferences. You may also consider any unique challenges they may face.

Tailoring your videos to your audience's needs will ensure maximum engagement and retention.

Although your trainees are watching the videos to learn, you still want to make sure that everything is so easy to follow and learn.

You don’t want to spit out too many jargons that newbie trainees wouldn’t be able to follow. Similarly, you don’t want to bore advanced trainees with basic information, do you?

Step 2: Develop a Comprehensive Script

A well-crafted video script is the foundation of any successful video training programs.

Remember: the script is literally what can make or break your instructional videos for employees.

Fail to catch their attention in the first few seconds, and it’s almost a guarantee you’ll lose their attention all throughout the video training.

Of course, it will seriously affect their understanding and retention of the lessons.

Start by outlining the key points and organizing them into a logical flow. Then, flesh out the video script with engaging narratives, real-life examples, and clear instructions.

Remember to keep your language simple, concise, and relatable. You may include jargons as long as long as they’re terms that can be understood by your employees who are watching your video tutorials.

Additionally, incorporate storytelling and humor to maintain learners' interest. If you successfully pique their interest, it will make the content more memorable.

You may also use AI tools in creating your training video script, such as Puppetry’s AI script generator to make everything easier.

Step 3: Choose the Right Video Format

Based on your objectives and audience preferences, select the most appropriate video format.

For instance, if you're teaching software skills, a screencast video would be ideal. Similarly, animated explainer videos might work better for conveying abstract concepts.

Having the right video format can make learning easier on the end of your employees. There are just lessons that can be taught the best using appropriate video format or type.

Choosing the type of your training video correctly can also enhance learning of your trainees.

Additionally, planning how you will present your training video will help you map out the best teaching method to incorporate.

Remember: the content matters, but how you teach the content matters too.

Also read: How to Create a Corporate Explainer Video

Step 4: Gather Your Resources

Depending on the video format you've chosen, you'll need to gather the necessary resources. This may include:

  • Professional recording equipment (cameras, microphones, lighting)

  • Screen recording software

  • Animation tools or graphic design software

  • Stock footage, images, or music (if applicable)

  • Subject matter experts or presenters

If you're working with a limited budget, don't worry – there are plenty of affordable or even free tools available that can help you create high-quality video tutorials for employees.

It is important to gather your resources and fact-check them thoroughly as well. You also need to make sure that the information you present in the training videos are relevant, timely, and are not outdated.

Step 5: Record and Edit Your Video

With your script, resources, and equipment ready, it's time to start recording.

Research and follow some best practices for your chosen video format. This includes maintaining good lighting, using high-quality equipment, and ensuring a clutter-free background.

Once you've captured the necessary footage, it's time to edit your video. Use video editing software to trim segments, add transitions, incorporate animations, and others.

Your goal is to enhance the overall visual appeal.

Don't forget to include captions or subtitles to improve accessibility. Remember that you still need to cater to diverse learning preferences.

Of course, the option of hiring a professional video editor is always there. Although they may be a bit expensive, investing in your training videos will always be worth it. After all, they can be considered as an asset to your business.

You train your employees to improve your business.

Additionally, there are now a lot of AI video generators you can use to create your training videos.

Not only they make video creation easier, they also help you save financial resources as they can create and edit your videos at the same time.

There are also video generators where they already have built-in video templates you can use to make everything easier!

Step 6: Make it engaging and interactive

Here’s the thing: even if you make high-quality videos, it means almost nothing if they’re not engaging.

Think about it – would your trainees want to watch videos training programs that are so boring and uninteresting?

No matter how great your training programs are, if they’re not appealing to your employees, they will likely feel unmotivated.

It is even possible that they will totally ignore those training video programs.

Even if they watch the entire thing, you’re not sure if they truly understand everything. Worse, this question arises: can they even remember anything about the lesson?

The technique to use here is to make your training videos for employees as interesting and interactive as possible.

It’s time to level up your training videos by putting interactive elements. This can include quizzes, clickable elements, or any other features that encourage learner participation and engagement.

You can also use available video templates online that are already optimized for retention and engagement!

Step 7: Test, Refine, and Deploy

Before releasing your training video to your employees, conduct thorough video assessments.

Share it with a small group of learners or subject matter experts and gather feedback. Use this feedback to refine the content and improve the overall quality.

Once you're satisfied with the final product, it's time to deploy your training video. Depending on your organization's infrastructure, you can choose how you want to publish your videos.

You can host it on a learning management system (LMS), an internal video platform, or even a public platform like YouTube or Vimeo.

Final Thoughts

There are so many video training programs to offer to your employees. This includes soft-skills training, diversity training, and even customer service training.

However, you need to make sure that you're providing high quality video training programs.

Creating effective instructional videos for employees requires careful planning. While the process may seem daunting at first, the long-term benefits make it well worth the effort.

Remember, the key to success lies in striking the right balance between educational content and engaging visuals. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the power of video courses, you can transform your employees' video learning program into a dynamic, immersive experience that drives real results.

So, what are you waiting for? Unleash your creativity, embrace the world of training videos, and empower your employees to reach new heights of success!